Support Autoimmune Health

The Autoimmune Plan

You feel as if your symptoms are overtaking your life:

  • Fatigue
  • Inflammation
  • Joint pain or stiffness
  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Bowel inflammation
  • Thyroid Inflammation
  • Organ Inflammation
  • Arthritis
  • Whole body pain

Do your symptoms leave you constantly wondering “will I feel normal today, or ever again?”

Sometimes you lean on medication to push you through the day, but the side effects follow you into the night. You don’t remember what “normal” even feels like. You’ve missed out on family events, social gatherings, special moments. Just you and your symptoms, alone.

When it comes to managing your condition, has your doctor ever suggested looking past medications? Instead of masking your symptoms, would you choose to confront them head on?

The Root Cause of Autoimmune Nutrition Dysfunction

You have asked your doctor to reconsider your medications, but you’re left with the answer of “continue your medications, it should get better with time”. Not a very satisfying answer in the least.

Take your health care into your own hands. Consider and pursue investigating alternative solutions to decrease your symptoms, to limit tissue damage, to boost healing and repair.

To combat an autoimmune disorder, you must understand what is causing these deviated immune responses in the first place.

Innovative Vitality Coaching believes in finding the root cause of your symptoms and developing long-term relief by addressing the underlying triggers. Yes, all autoimmune diseases are associated with underlying triggers that can be addressed. Genetics usually only plays a small part. You can choose to actively heal the autoimmune problem.

Instead of utilizing medications to mask your symptoms to “push you through another day”, you should take a deeper look into your body’s overall health.

 Innovative Vitality Coaching offers comprehensive programs guiding you to your optimal health. With hand-picked biomarkers and trusted testing, you can ensure that your autoimmune condition is being supported with the utmost detail, attention and care.

Our Autoimmune Health supports

Innovative Vitality Coaching Supports Autoimmune Conditions

Step 1: The Lab Testing Process

There shouldn’t be any guesswork when it comes to your health. Schedule a free discovery call with Innovative Vitality Coaching’s team to help you determine which type of testing is right for you. This process sets the tone for supporting your symptoms, while ongoing care addressing the root causes is progressing to the ultimate goal of health, wellness and vitality.

 Step 2: Understanding Your Results

You need to know what is causing you to feel fatigued and unmotivated. No one wants or needs temporary solutions that mask symptoms

You need answers, and you needed them yesterday. Time and tissue preservation is of the essence.

Vitality Coaching’s comprehensive biomarkers approach takes the guesswork out of identifying root causes and reading your own results. Be empowered knowing that Innovative Vitality Coaching will personally explain your results from a nutrition education perspective, and how these results may be associated with your symptoms and presenting condition.

 Step 3: Personalized Care

Great news: you have found the underlying causes of your constant autoimmune symptoms – what now? Once you have reviewed your testing results, our help does not stop there. Based on your results, we develop a sustainable, long-term solution to managing your symptoms as the underlying root causes are addressed.

Innovative Vitality Coaching is here to be the guiding light to you feeling like you again. Personalized programs are tailored to your needs and preferences.

Nutrition Supplements
Personalized programs include the following:
  • One-on-one coaching with Leila Zackrison
  • Dietary meal plans with recipes, grocery lists and nutrition coaching with Nutrevo Body Registered Dietitians and nutrition coaches
  • Immune Support Supplements
  • And more


We do not diagnose, treat, cure or manage any medication conditions. Please consult your physician before starting on any diet or exercise program.