Support Mood Health

Fix Your Mood, Fix Your Life

Occasional stress, worry, and sadness can be a normal part of life. However, when you notice that these emotions are taking over your life, impacting your quality of life, it is time to recognize that these are crippling emotions and it’s time to act.

  • You lack motivation
  • You’re irritable
  • You seem angry all the time
  • Minor events unbalance your emotions way to suddenly
  • Your relationships with family/friends are suffering as you distance yourself further.
  • You constantly ask yourself “who am I?” and “where did my old self go?” Yet, you keep pushing painfully through another day.

Mood disturbances can impact the quality of your life. They may even make living your life completely undesirable. We’re here to remind you that such feelings are not normal. You do not have to put up with them any longer.

An imbalance in your brain chemicals (neurotransmitters), hormones, and gut health all could have a significant negative impact on your emotional stability. Each of these systems depends on a particular number of vitamins, minerals, and messengers to produce a happy, healthy you each day.

When your vitamin, nutrient, and hormone levels are not where they should be, you will feel sad, unmotivated, rattled by worry, and living in the shell of whom you used to be.

How do I find the root cause of my sadness, inability to tolerate stress, or other mood and emotional imbalances?

Discovering the Root Cause of Mood Imbalances

Innovative Vitality Coaching developed a new approach to your mental health and emotional balance concerns. We believe living an emotionally balanced life is possible by taking advantage of functional medicine concepts and putting them into practice, uniquely fitted for your needs and desires.

60+ specific and valuable lab biomarkers are picked that take a deep dive into identifying the underlying causes that could be impacting your mood, causing you yo-yo with emotional swings.

 These biomarkers range from checking for:

  • Thyroid hormone shifts
  • Male/female hormones levels
  • Cortisol level
  • Vitamin/nutrient deficiencies
  • Neurotransmitter levels
  • And much more…
Getting Started
Step 1: The Lab Testing Process

“How do I know if my hormones, vitamins, and minerals are within range?”

“How do I know if this test is right for me?”

There should not be any guesswork when it comes to your health. Schedule a free discovery call with the Innovative Vitality Coaching Team to help you determine what test is right for you. We will help you through every step of the process – starting with selecting the right biomarkers to test.

 Step 2: Understanding Your Results

You want to know what is causing your sadness, lack of proper stress handling, and mood swings. You desire to get rid of these crippling emotions and not accept the temporary solution that masks these symptoms.

Constantly hearing “your routine labs look great!” or “you look good” is not a sustainable solution to your abnormal emotions.

You need answers, and you needed them yesterday.

Innovative Vitality Coaching’s selection of specific biomarkers such as neurotransmitter and hormone-based lab panel takes the guesswork out of ordering the right tests. You are empowered knowing that Innovative Vitality Coaching will personally explain your results from a nutrition education perspective, and how these results may be associated with your symptoms and your conditions.

 Step 3: Personalized Care

Great news: you have identified the underlying causes to your mood swings – what now?

Innovative Vitality Coaching is here to be the guiding light in achieving the goal of feeling like you again or even better yet, feeling the best you have ever experienced. Our team personally interprets your results from a nutrition education perspective to develop a personalized plan for you. A plan that will positively impact you and those around you.

Nutrition Supplements
Personalized programs can include the following:
  • One-on-one coaching with Leila Zackrison
  • Dietary meal plans with recipes, grocery lists and nutrition coaching with Nutrevo Body Registered Dietitians and nutrition coaches
  • Adrenal & Mood Support Supplements
  • Mood Foundation Support Supplements
  • And more …


We do not diagnose, treat, cure or manage any medication conditions. Please consult your physician before starting on any diet or exercise program.