Support Thyroid Health
The Natural Thyroid Solution
Your doctor has confirmed you have a thyroid condition. You left their office with a prescription medication. Did anyone mention the symptoms associated with the thyroid condition with which you just got diagnosed? These may include:
- Joint pain
- Fatigue
- Loss of motivation
- Sadness
- Brain fog
- Poor Stress Tolerance
- Fluid retention
if you continue taking your medication, these will go away... Right?
Not necessarily. Broad spectrum thyroid treatment is not tailored to your specific needs – do you or your provider know what your body signals mean?
The Thyroid Regulates Several Processes In Your Body, Such As:
- Metabolism
- Energy
- Mood
- Digestion
- Healthy Skin, hair and nails
Discovering the Root Cause of Thyroid Nutrition Imbalance
You’ve asked your doctor to reconsider your medications, but their answer is to “continue your medications, it should get better with time”
It is not only possible to take your health into your own hands, but you are encouraged to do so by looking at alternative solutions to decrease your symptoms. We believe that symptoms associated with thyroid disorders can be dramatically improved with proper testing and analysis, something that most doctors do not normally do.
Innovative Vitality Coaching believes in seeking the root cause of your symptoms and developing long-term relief by addressing the root causes. Instead of offering medications to mask your symptoms to “push you through another day”, It might be time to take a deeper look at the overall health of your body.
Innovative Vitality Coaching offers comprehensive lab testing available through Evexia Diagnostics to guide you to your optimal nutritional health. With hand-picked biomarkers and trusted testing, you can ensure that your thyroid symptoms are being supported with the utmost attention to detail.
Getting Started
Step 1: The Lab Testing Process
There should not be any guesswork when it comes to your health. Schedule a free discovery call with Innovative Vitality Coaching’s team to help you determine which type of testing is right for you. The biomarkers you select set the tone for your symptom management

Step 2: Understanding Your Results
To achieve your goal of optimal health, you need to know what is causing you to feel fatigued and unmotivated. You do not desire or require a temporary solution to mask your symptoms. You need answers, and you needed them yesterday.
Innovative Vitality Coaching’s comprehensive testing approach takes the guesswork out of reading your own results. You can feel empowered knowing that Innovative Vitality Coaching will personally explain your results from a nutrition education perspective, and how these results may be associated with your symptoms and how to set up a program to wellness.

Step 3: Personalized Care
You have found the underlying causes to your constant thyroid symptoms – what now? Once we have reviewed your testing results of your biomarker testing, our help does not stop there. Based on your results, we help to develop a sustainable, long-term solution to managing your symptoms while working to remove their root causes. Innovative Vitality Coaching is here to be the guiding light to you feeling like you again.

Personalized programs can include the following services and products:
- One-on-one coaching with Leila Zackrison
- Dietary meal plans with recipes, grocery lists and nutrition coaching with Nutrevo Body Registered Dietitians and nutrition coaches
- Bone & Mood Support Supplements
- Thyroid Essential Supplements
- And more
We do not diagnose, treat, cure or manage any medication conditions. Please consult your physician before starting on any diet or exercise program.